Free Will Baptist Estate Plan Program
While no one wants to think about dying, it is crucial to be prepared.
In 2013, the Foundation began a partnership with Cornerstone Estate Planning. This partnership offers a comprehensive estate plan for all Free Will Baptist families. We work with Christian attorneys licensed in your state to provide all the documents a family will need. The centerpiece of the plan is a revocable living trust that will enable a family to avoid probate and the potential loss of 5-7% of their assets in the process.
The plan also includes:
All Medical Directives
Power of Attorney Documents
Guardianship Papers for Minors
These documents provide families with peace of mind that if they become incapacitated, the family, not the courts, will take care of their affairs.
One of the lifelong aspects of estate plans is the need to be reviewed periodically. As a part of the Free Will Baptist Estate Plan, we will reach out yearly to encourage clients to keep their plans up-to-date and assist if any changes need to be made. Our team will assist the family in handling estate matters by request, including incapacitation, death, or the final settling of the estate. There is no additional cost for the lifetime support and family assistance to settle the estate. Through the Free Will Baptist Estate Plan, the Foundation will be with you every step of the way.
Have questions or want to schedule a meeting? Contact your field representative in your area!